Understanding call, bind, and apply in JavaScript 2024

JavaScript provides powerful methods—call, bind, and apply—that allow you to control the context (this) in which a function is executed. This blog will explore these methods, their differences, and how to implement them from scratch. We’ll also cover some interview questions along with detailed answers to help you prepare for front-end development roles.

What are call, bind, and apply?

1. call

The call method allows you to invoke a function with a specified this context and individual arguments.

Custom Implementation:

Function.prototype.myCall = function(context, ...args) {
    context = context || globalThis; // Handle null or undefined
    context.fn = this; // Assign the function to the context
    const result = context.fn(...args); // Call the function with arguments
    delete context.fn; // Clean up
    return result; // Return the result

2. apply

The apply method is similar to call, but it takes an array of arguments instead of listing them individually.

Custom Implementation:

Function.prototype.myApply = function(context, args) {
    context = context || globalThis; // Handle null or undefined
    context.fn = this; // Assign the function to the context
    const result = context.fn(...(args || [])); // Call the function with arguments
    delete context.fn; // Clean up
    return result; // Return the result

3. bind

The bind method creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to a specified value.

Custom Implementation:

Function.prototype.myBind = function(context, ...args) {
    const fn = this; // Save the original function
    return function(...newArgs) {
        return fn.apply(context, [...args, ...newArgs]); // Invoke with combined arguments

Key Differences

MethodInvocationArguments HandlingReturns
callInvokes immediatelyList of argumentsReturns function result
applyInvokes immediatelyArray of argumentsReturns function result
bindReturns a new functionCan specify initial argumentsDoes not invoke immediately

When to Use Each Method

  • Use call when you want to invoke a function immediately with a specific context and known arguments.
  • Use apply when the number of arguments is variable and you have them stored in an array.
  • Use bind when you want to create a new function with a fixed this value for later use.

Practical Examples

Using call and apply with Constructors

You can also use these methods to call constructors with a specific context.

Example with call:

function Person(name) {
    this.name = name;

function Employee(name, position) {
    Person.call(this, name); // Calls Person constructor with current context
    this.position = position;

const emp = new Employee('Diana', 'Developer');
console.log(emp); // Output: Employee { name: 'Diana', position: 'Developer' }

Example with apply:

function Employee(name, position) {
    Person.apply(this, [name]); // Uses an array to pass arguments
    this.position = position;

const emp2 = new Employee('Eve', 'Designer');
console.log(emp2); // Output: Employee { name: 'Eve', position: 'Designer' }

Closures with bind:

A common pattern is to use bind for event handlers, especially in class methods.

class Counter {
    constructor() {
        this.count = 0;
        this.increment = this.increment.bind(this); // Bind this context

    increment() {

const counter = new Counter();
setInterval(counter.increment, 1000); // Correctly increments count every second

Interview Questions and Answers

Basic Level Questions

  1. What are call, apply and bind? Explain their differences.
  • call: Invokes a function immediately with a specified this context and allows you to pass arguments individually.
  • apply: Invokes a function immediately but takes an array of arguments.
  • bind: Does not invoke the function immediately. Instead, it returns a new function that, when called, has this context set to the specified value.
  • Example:
   function showName() {

   const user = { name: 'Alice' };
   showName.call(user); // Output: Alice
   showName.apply(user); // Output: Alice

   const boundShowName = showName.bind(user);
   boundShowName(); // Output: Alice

  1. How would you implement your own versions of call, apply, and bind? Answer: (See custom implementations above)
  2. When would you use bind over call or apply? Answer:
    Use bind when you need to create a new function that will be called later with a specific context. This is useful in scenarios like event handling or callbacks where the context may change. Example:
   const obj = {
       name: 'Bob',
       greet: function() {
           console.log(`Hello, ${this.name}`);

   const greetFunc = obj.greet.bind(obj); // Creates a new function
   setTimeout(greetFunc, 1000); // Output: Hello, Bob (after 1 second)

Intermediate Level Questions

  1. Can you explain how this behaves in different contexts? Answer:
    The value of this depends on how a function is called:
  • In a method call, this refers to the object the method is called on.
  • In a function call (non-strict mode), this refers to the global object (e.g., window in browsers).
  • In strict mode, this is undefined in a function call.
  • In event handlers, this refers to the element that fired the event.
  • Example:
   const obj = {
       name: 'Alice',
       show: function() {

   obj.show(); // Alice (method call)

   const showFunc = obj.show;
   showFunc(); // undefined (or throws error in strict mode)

   const button = document.createElement('button');
   button.addEventListener('click', function() {
       console.log(this); // Refers to button element

  1. What are some common use cases for apply? Answer:
  • Math Functions: Math.max and Math.min can accept an array of numbers using apply.
  • Array Manipulation: When you want to concatenate or merge arrays.
  • Example:
   const numbers = [5, 1, 8, 3];
   const maxNumber = Math.max.apply(null, numbers); // 8

  1. How can you use bind in a React component? Answer:
    In React, you can use bind to ensure that event handler methods maintain the correct this context. Example:
   class MyComponent extends React.Component {
       constructor() {
           this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); // Bind method

       handleClick() {
           console.log(this); // Correctly refers to MyComponent instance

       render() {
           return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click Me</button>;

Advanced Level Questions

  1. How does using call or apply affect the performance of your code? Answer:
    Both call and apply can introduce a slight overhead due to their ability to change the this context and invoke functions dynamically. Frequent use in performance-sensitive areas (like loops) may affect speed. However, in most use cases, this overhead is negligible compared to the flexibility they provide.
  2. Explain how call, apply, and bind relate to functional programming concepts in JavaScript. Answer:
    These methods support functional programming principles by enabling first-class functions and higher-order functions. They allow you to create functions that can be reused with different contexts, making your code more modular and maintainable.
  3. Can you provide an example where improper use of this can lead to bugs in your application? Answer:
    A common pitfall is losing the context of this in event handlers or callbacks. Example:
   const obj = {
       value: 42,
       show: function() {
           setTimeout(function() {
               console.log(this.value); // undefined or error
           }, 1000);
   obj.show(); // Outputs undefined after 1 second

To fix this, you can use bind:

   const obj = {

 value: 42,
       show: function() {
           setTimeout(function() {
           }.bind(this), 1000); // Correctly binds this
   obj.show(); // Outputs 42 after 1 second

Expert Level Questions

  1. Discuss the implications of using call, apply, and bind with regards to arrow functions. Answer:
    Arrow functions do not have their own this context; they lexically bind this from the surrounding scope. Therefore, using call, apply, or bind on arrow functions has no effect. They will always use the this value from their enclosing context. Example:
   const obj = {
       value: 42,
       show: () => {
           console.log(this.value); // Uses this from the enclosing scope
   obj.show(); // Outputs undefined (or the outer scope's value)

  1. How do these methods affect the prototype chain? Answer:
    When using call, apply, or bind, the function executes with the specified this context but does not affect the function’s prototype chain. The prototype chain remains intact, and the methods will still access properties and methods from the prototype. Example:
   function Animal(name) {
       this.name = name;
   Animal.prototype.speak = function() {
       console.log(`${this.name} makes a noise.`);

   const dog = new Animal('Dog');
   dog.speak.call({ name: 'Cat' }); // Cat makes a noise.

  1. Can you explain the importance of this in asynchronous JavaScript functions and how these methods can help? Answer:
    In asynchronous JavaScript, the context of this can change depending on how a function is called. For example, in a callback, this may not refer to the expected object. Using bind, you can ensure the correct context is maintained. Example:
   class User {
       constructor(name) {
           this.name = name;

       greet() {
           setTimeout(function() {
               console.log(`Hello, ${this.name}`); // undefined
           }, 1000);

   const user = new User('Alice');
   user.greet(); // Outputs undefined after 1 second

   // Using bind to maintain context
   class User {
       constructor(name) {
           this.name = name;

       greet() {
           setTimeout(function() {
               console.log(`Hello, ${this.name}`); // Alice
           }.bind(this), 1000);

   const user = new User('Alice');
   user.greet(); // Outputs Hello, Alice after 1 second

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Understanding call, apply, and bind is crucial for managing function execution context in JavaScript. By mastering these methods, you’ll enhance your coding skills and prepare effectively for technical interviews. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, knowing when and how to use these functions will make you a more versatile programmer. Happy coding!